What is the CGOC?
Your Executive Council
CGOC Newsletter
CGOC Event Calendar
Photo Gallery

Welcome to the NEW Malmstrom CGOC Website

First, thanks for checking out our new website.  Our goal is to keep this site updated in an effort to provide instantaneous information about the CGOC.  For those of you who are new to Malmstrom we have posted general information about the CGOC and the benefits of membership.  We also have a page briefly describing the current Executive Council of the CGOC so that you can get a better idea of who you need to talk to with ideas and suggestions.  There is a section with a monthly updated CGOC Newsletter which will help you stay up-to-date on what has been going on and the newsletter will also include a senior leadership perspective on a current topic of interest.  Of course the site is also intended to serve as a one-stop shopping center on upcoming CGOC events and these are listed on the CGOC Calendar page.  Finally we have a photo gallery of the CGOC in action...check it out, there are some great pictures in there!  As always, if you have any ideas or comments for us please don't hesitate to contact the Executive Council.


Next Meeting

Friday, Nov 5th, 1630hrs (following Officer's Call)
Club Malmstrom - Sports Bar

Come join us on Friday, Nov 5th at Club Malmstrom for a short informational meeting regarding the upcoming months and a brand new CGOC opportunity...a 5 day TDY to Colorado Springs!  Come to the meeting to find out how you can be eligible.  After the meeting stick around and have a drink and get to know some fellow CGO's.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead





