What is the CGOC?
Your Executive Council
CGOC Newsletter
CGOC Event Calendar
Photo Gallery





1 Nov 1830

Minuteman Café

Lt Adam Rector x2671

Make and serve free drinks and snacks to airmen. Building 640 on 76th Street.

5 Nov 1530

CGOC Meeting/Social Club Malmstrom

Lt Jason Roberts 781-0967

We will have a short meeting to discuss upcoming events and new programs. Following the meeting all CGO's are invited to stick around for a drink.

8 Nov

Minuteman Café

Lt Adam Rector x2671

Make and serve free drinks and snacks to airmen. Building 640 on 76th Street.

11 Nov 0800

Veteran's Day

Lt Scott Kooken

Ideas Needed! Clean-up, trip to Helena VA Hospital or Missoula Vet Center?

15 Nov

Minuteman Café Monday Night Footbal Party

Lt Adam Rector x2671

Make and serve free drinks and snacks to airmen. We will also have a big Monday Night Football party this night and serve free Pizza and Wings!

22 Nov

Minuteman Café

Lt Adam Rector x2671

Make and serve free drinks and snacks to airmen. Building 640 on 76th Street.

24 Nov 1630

Nominations Due for 3 Dec Elections

Lt Abbi Johnson

All nominations for President, Treasurer, Activites, and PA due. Vice President elections are held in June.

29 Nov

Burrito Sale

Lt Rob Kochan x3420

We will need volunteers from each squadron to take pre-orders and sell. We will also need volunteers to help assemble the burritos Sun night/Mon morning

3 Dec 1530

CGOC Elections/Social Club Malmstrom

Lt Abbi Johnson

CGOC Executive Council Elections open. Following the meeting all CGO's are invited to stick around for a drink.

6 Dec

Minuteman Café

Lt Adam Rector x2671

Make and serve free drinks and snacks to airmen. Building 640 on 76th Street.

10 Dec

Announcement of TDY Participants Club Malmstrom

Lt Jason Roberts 781-0967

All self nominations are due by COB on 3 December to Lt Jason Roberts.

17 Dec 1600

Mug 'n Crud Night Club Malmstrom

POC Needed

Come socialize with your fellow CGO's and join the crud tourney! As long as you have a CGOC mug $2 will fill it up! Snacks provided free.

7 Jan 1530

CGOC Meeting/Social Club Malmstrom

New President

New CGOC President addresses the CGOC and discusses future programs. Details of TDY will be finalized.