What is the CGOC?
Your Executive Council
CGOC Newsletter
CGOC Event Calendar
Photo Gallery

The Company Grade Officer's Council at Malmstrom is an organization comprised and run solely of CGO's (Captains and Lieutenants).  We are dedicated to providing young officers with a broad spectrum of opportunities in the areas of Professional Development, Base and Community Service, and Social/Professional Networking

As a CGO you are automatically invited to attend any of our events at any time, however the CGOC is the type of organization that you only get out of what you put into so GET INVOLVED.  You will find that no matter what you decide to partake in, you'll learn a lot, have some pride in it and I guarantee you'll have fun!  By being active in the CGOC you will benefit in so many ways ranging from leadership experiences, to professional development, to just making friends outside of your immediate work circle.  Here at Malmstrom we provide these opportunities through the numerous events we plan throughout the year.  Some examples of what we do are listed below, but if you are ready to get involved now, click here for a current schedule of events.

Professional Development

Professional Development TDY's - As an active member of the CGOC you will have the chance to go on a 5-7 day TDY to another base to learn how they do things and share some ideas.  These TDY's also help you see how your job here at Malmstrom is connected to other aspects of the Air Force.  Furthermore, these trips offer a great opportunity to get to some other bases and "scout out" potential future jobs rather than making blind decisions.  The selection criteria for participation in these TDY's is largely based on your active participation in the CGOC.  So get involved!

Lunch with the Commander - Usually on a quarterly basis we will set up an informal luncheon with the Wing Commander or one of the Group or Squadron Commanders.  This is a great chance to ask that question that has been nagging you about why we do things a certain way, or how things were "back then".  Because of the candid, informal nature of these luncheons, this is a favorite among CGO's.

Seminars - Occasionally we will invite a senior ranking officer or NCO to speak at one of our meetings.  Although this only happens a few times a year, it is a good way to get a more formal perspective on a hot topic in the Air Force.  We have had speakers on career development planning, the assignment system, the fitness program, and numerous other current Air Force topics.


Base and Community Service

Minuteman Cafe - Every Monday night CGO's serve free coffee, latte's, Italian sodas, other drinks and snacks to airmen.  2-4 CGO's open and run the cafe for the night as an alternative to paying for and making their own fun.  The cafe is sponsored by the base chaplains and is stocked with numerous board and video games and it also features and full projection and entertainment system.

Relay for Life - Each year the Malmstrom CGOC sponsors a team to participate in the American Cancer Society's largest fundraiser.  We coordinate a team of walkers to walk non-stop from 6:00pm until 11:00am the next morning as part of the ACS event to raise awareness of cancer.  We also set up a booth to help raise funds and this past year our "Marga-Relay-Ville" theme and our frozen margaritas were a great success.

Veteran Clean-up Days - A couple of times a year a couple of teams of CGO's will travel to the home of an elderly or disabled veteran and help them clean up their yard and tidy-up their landscaping.  This a very rewarding and fun time for everyone.

ROTC Scholarship at MSU Bozeman - Each year the CGOC funds a $500 dollar scholarship for a ROTC cadet.  The award involves a nomination and selection process where 4 CGO's go to MSU and conduct a board to determine the recipient.  Then we usually send a few people down to present the award and participate in other ROTC events.



Social and Professional Networking

Mug 'n Crud Night - The CGOC has 24oz mugs for sale for only $10.  The purchase of a mug includes the 341st Space Wing patch engraved on one side and your choice of engraving on the reverse.  It also gets you a fill-up for only 2 bucks anytime at the Bowling Center/Sports Bar and every now and then the CGOC will buy the keg for Mug 'n Crud Night and anyone with a mug drinks free!

Bi-Weekly Meetings - Usually on the first Thursday and third Friday of every month we have our regular meetings.  Sometimes the dates change slightly, but just check the calendar.  The meetings are held at the Strike Zone (Bowling Center) on Thursday's at 1600 and at Club Malmstrom on Fridays at 1530.  These are a great time to get caught up on CGO events, put in your suggestions and make your voice heard. 

Other Various Social Events - Depending on interest, we organize numerous other social activities throughout the year.  Some of the things that we have done in the past are ski trips, whitewater rafting, bowling nights, canoe trips and campouts.  We are always open to new ideas and as long as someone is willing to plan it, we are up for just about anything.

If you like what you see, or have any ideas please contact a fellow CGO or the current president at jason.roberts@malmstrom.af.mil